October 02, 2008

Ice-breaker event

For those of you that I haven't had a chance to talk to yet, I'm the Social Co-ordinator for the fencing club (blond/blue hair, often seen wandering around lost until I find an epeeist to mock)

Our - kinda late - icebreaker will be this Saturday in the Party Room of the SUB from 12:30-4, where we'll play some fencing games, win a few prizes, and hopefully get to know each other behind the masks. It's always nice to be able to put a name on someone you've been stabbing repeatedly for the past half hour... Afterwards, we'll be going to cool down with beer and food at one of the campus pubs - which one depends on how many people are going to stay :)

Sorry about the last minute info - if you can't make this one, we'll do another social event when halloween hits.

Cheers; hope to see you out there!
