November 28, 2007

Saturday team practices in December

Hi all,

We'll be having 3 team practices in December:

Saturday, December 1 -- 11:00 am – 6:00 pm in SUB Ballroom Extension
Saturday, December 15 -- 10:00 am – 2:00 pm in SUB Partyroom
Saturday, December 22 -- 10:00 am – 2:00 pm in SUB Partyroom

November 27, 2007

End of term update


We'll be having the last team practice coming up on Saturday, December 1st. We'll reserve the Ballroom Extension to those who wish to fence and train. We have the room booked from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm.

For those who wish to fence during December exams, please let me know which Saturdays you can 100% come and the times too. I have a few who has guaranteed me that they can drop by on Saturday, December 15th. Again, please let me know ASAP if you can 100% come on December 8th or the 22nd. I'll need at least 3 people giving me a guarantee before I'll actually make the room booking this week. Thanks!

2. BEGINNER'S TOURNAMENT - Saturday, December 1, 2007 - 11:00 am to 6:00 pm in SUB Ballroom

If you still haven't registered for the Beginner's Foil Tournament, please do so BEFORE next Friday, November 30th. Please email us to pre-register. You can pay the $5 entry fee on the day of the tournament or on Monday.

We have a fairly good number of participants for the tournament which means we will be doing dry fencing during the pools BUT we will be doing electric fencing throughout the direct elimination (DE) rounds. It will be a mixture of dry and electric fencing overall during the tournament. The DE's will be taken seriously so that is why we decided to do electric fencing (plus judging will be a lot easier).I will probably not charge a deposit for renting out electric gear but you will definitely need to sign-in those items you wish to borrow and RETURN them back to me - you'll need to sign-out too before you leave.

Note that you must have already paid the necessary membership fee AND session/lesson fees in order to enter. Otherwise, you would need to pay the $5 drop-in fee if you have not paid the session fees but have paid the membership fee.

Detailed information about the tournament can be found here:


This is your LAST LAST CALL for picking up and paying for the club equipment you have ordered through us. If you do not pick up and pay for your items by the end of this semester, we will be selling them to anyone in the club!! Please talk to Diondi about club orders. If you have notified us that you will be paying and picking them up in term 2, then no worries - we will continue to hold your stuff until January :) Please talk to Diondi to find out how much you owe the club. Thanks! Cash or cheque are acceptable forms of payment - cheques are payable to "UBC Fencing Club".


We are still selling discounted movie ticket coupons at $9 each. Maximum 5 tickets per member. We have 30 so if you are interested in buying a discounted movie coupon (regular price for one movie ticket usually goes for between $10-12 so you're getting a good deal here), please talk to me by email or in person.

The movie coupons are for Cineplex Entertainment LP theatres including Famous Players, Cineplex Odeon and Galaxy Cinemas. The ticket coupons will work as one general admission ticket. The movie coupons may be used as admission into any movie (including those that state "No passes accepted") at any Cineplex Odeon or Famous Players theatre in Canada. The theatres include all Cineplex Odeon theatres, Famous Players theatres, SilverCity theatres, and Colossus theatres.

These coupons expire December 15, 2009.

NO FENCING this Thursday

Hi everyone,

There will be NO FENCING this Thursday, November 29th! Fencing for this semester has officially ended this Monday. Looking forward to seeing you all in January. The term 2 timetable will be posted up sometime in early December.

November 18, 2007

Fall General Meeting

Hi everyone,

We will be having our FALL GENERAL MEETING on Thursday, November 22, 2007 - at 7:00 pm during fencing practice.

We will be discussing 2 things during the general meeting:

1. Revised club constitution - we have a bunch of amendments we would like all of you to read and approve of through a signed petition. We will have a bunch of copies of the newly revised constitution available for you all to read in addition to the sign-up sheet where you can sign on if you approve of the amendments. Suggestions of the constitution are also welcome. We strongly urge you to come and show your support. The current constitution is very old and has not been revised since old that, for example, the "social coordinator" currently does not exist, according to the old constitution...which is why we are changing some parts of it to conform to today's club functions as well as the current AMS club guidelines and rules.

The parts highlighted in blue are the newly amended parts we have included - and I have sent you all a copy of the constitution by email already. The constitution will also be made available during the meeting for those interested in reading it.

2. By-elections - apparently our Secretary is graduating and will no longer be a UBC student in term 2. AMS enforces the rule that all club executives MUST be active, UBC students (and AMS paying members), we must follow that. Our Secretary has submitted his resignation and now we are looking for a new Secretary to fill in this position for term 2.

If you are interested in this Secretary position, please email me ASAP by Wednesday, November 21st at 10:00 pm. I will be accepting nominations for those who wish to run for this Secretary position until Wednesday at 10:00 pm.

During the by-elections, those who wish to run for Secretary will be given no more than 2 minutes for their election speech. Come prepared with a speech. Majority vote will determine who gets the executive position.

Requirements for the Secretary position:
1. Must be an active, UBC student (also need to pay AMS fees) who will be here until the end of the school year in late April.
2. Must have paid the necessary membership dues.

The duties of a Secretary include:
1. Recording and keeping the minutes of all meetings
2. Shall be available at executive meetings and general meetings the respective minutes of the previous meeting
3. Shall submit to AMS all minutes pertaining to finances or constitutional changes
4. Shall handle all correspondence with members including: responding to e-mails regarding inquiries about the club, maintenance of the club website, and maintenance of the mailing list

Again, if interested in running for the Secretary position, please email us or talk to us in person during Monday's fencing practice. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to contact us.

November 02, 2007

Battle in Seattle

Rain City Fencing Club is hosting the 2008 Battle in Seattle competitive fencing tournament.

Date: January 11-13, 2008
Place: Rain City Fencing Center (1776 136th Place NE, Bellevue, WA 98005)

The USFA WWD presents The 2008 Battle in Seattle at Rain City Fencing Center. The Battle in Seattle is traditionally one of the Western Washington Division's largest annual events, drawing top fencers from all over the Pacific Northwest. Join us for this exciting event at the Northwest's newest fencing facility!
More Information:

2008 Vancouver Open

La Salle Fencing Club will be hosting a competitive tournament, the 2008 Vancouver Open, from January 5-6, 2008.

On Saturday: open men's foil, women's foil and men's sabre.
On Sunday: open women's epee, men's epee and women's sabre.

Registration fee = $20
Each event = $20
Late registration fee (after January 3, 2008) = $20

*Pre-registration deadline is Wednesday, January 2, 2008, at 6:00 pm.

The registration fee and event fee are separate. E.g. if I entered the women's foil event only, I would need to pay $40.

Venue: Gym D of Britannia Community Centre (1661 Napier Street, Vancouver)

Details about the event, requirements and schedule can be found here:

You will need a $80 CFF competitive passport to enter. You can earn national ranking points on senior/open events. More information on purchasing the passport can be found at:

Club Photos

Hi everyone,

Club photos are now available for everyone to see!

It can be found in our very own Flickr account:


Beginner's Tournament

Mark your calendars! We will be having our annual Beginner's Tournament on Saturday, December 1, 2007. The tournament will be a beginner's foil tournament.

Time: 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Location: SUB Ballroom

Entry fee: $5
Weapons: Foil
Prize: A new and complete dry foil weapon (plus bragging rights for the whole year)

Please RSVP (either in person or by email) to enter. Thanks!
Deadline to RSVP is on Thursday, November 29, 2007.

We will also have a mini electric epee tournament for fencers of all levels at the same time. No prizes available for epee though. Same RSVP deadline date applies. Entry is free (because of no prize), as long as you are a member and have paid the necessary membership AND session fees (or you will have to pay the $5 drop-in member fee to use club equipment - this includes the scoring machines).

Details and criteria about the foil tournament are as follow:
  • You MUST have started fencing either during the beginning of the school year in September 2007 OR have started fencing during the summer (between May 2007 and August 2007).
  • You MUST have started fencing within the last 6 months.
  • To enter the tournament, you must be a UBC Fencing Club member and have already paid the necessary membership and session fees. We will confirm this on the day of the tournament.
  • We will lend out club electric equipment on the day of the tournament. All equipment must be signed out before use and returned at the end of the tournament. There will be a $5 deposit per item borrowed from the club (items include lame jackets, electric foils, body cords and dry foils). You may borrow the club masks and jackets without the the need to pay the $5 deposit per item however you need to sign them out and return them at the end of the day.
  • There will be an assortment of electric foil fencing AND dry foil fencing during the tournament, depending on how many people enter and the demand of weapons. Electric fencing will definitely be used during the semi-finals and finals.
  • Bouts and pools will be self-judged but we will have an additional experienced judge. That way, everyone has a chance to brush up on their refereeing skills and there will be another person to help with judging/refereeing.
  • If you are a member but have not paid the session fees yet, you must do so before the tournament or else you will have to pay both the $5 drop-in member fee AND the $5 entry fee.

If you have any more questions about the tournament or would like to RSVP, please talk to Steph in person or by email. Thanks!

Club orders have arrived

Hi everyone,

Your club orders have arrived! Please talk to Diondi and Marlon on how much money you owe the club. You can pay and pick up your fencing equipment next week during fencing practice. Payment via cash or cheque is acceptable.

If you do not pick it up and pay by the end of term 1, we will be selling the remaining unclaimed fencing items to our club members.